PuppetSoupJun 17, 2022New International Puppetry Festival and Collaboration!New International Puppetry Festival and Collaboration! Visit www.createpuppetryfestival.com PuppetSoup are delighted to announce that we...
PuppetSoupJan 6, 20222022 Puppetry Course dates!We have just released the first course dates for our comprehensive Teatro lambe Lambe Puppetry Course for 2022! Teatro Lambe Lambe is one...
PuppetSoupNov 17, 2020Have a very 'Crankie Christmas' and learn to make a moving panorama with PuppetSoup!Join us for a fun Christmas Crankie workshop! Closely related to puppetry, Crankies are also known as ‘moving panoramas’ Come and learn...
PuppetSoupOct 15, 2020PuppetSoup Receives The Cultural Recovery Fund PuppetSoup are so happy, honoured and proud to have been selected to receive funding as part of the Cultural Recovery Fund from the Arts...